Original Scientific Article
Molecular characterisation of tetracycline resistance of some avian Salmonella typhjmurjum and Salmonella enteritidis strain
Jace Virgilia Popa * ,
Marinela Borca ,
Doina Danes ,
Daniela Nita ,
Eugenia Avram ,
I. Sandu ,
M. Gruia ,

Mac Vet Rev 1998; 27 (1): 7 - 15


Received: 15 October 1998

Received in revised form: 15 October 1998

Accepted: 15 October 1998

Available Online First: 15 October 1998

Published on: 15 October 1998

Correspondence: Jace Virgilia Popa,


Genetic screening by hybridization with tet M and let 0 DNA probes demonstrated, in Salmonella strains iso lated in 1996, the following: 14/15 (93.3%) of S. enteritidis strains and 9/ 12 (75%) of S. typhimurium strains harbored the tet M determinant; I 0/15 (66.6%) ofS. enteritidis strains and 7112 (58.3%) of S. typhimurium harbored also the tet 0 determinant. The PCR screening, for which we used primers provided by Dr. Elisabeth Chaslus Dancla, !NRA Tours, France, and which underline a common fragment for the A,B,C,D,E determinants, was negative. The presence of the tel Mand tel 0 determinants, which code the resistance mechanism by ribosomal protection against all types of tetracycline (first generation and the analogues of the second generation) could be attributed to a genetic acq uisition from Gram-positive bacteria. In conjugation tests, with£. coli BM2 l (gyr A, Nair), tetracycline resistance shown high transfer frequency, which suggests the possibility of high epidemiological ri sk. The origin of strains - three Romanian geographical regions - suggests that the M and 0 tetracycline resistance determinants were widespread among avian S. typhimurium and S. enteritidis strains.

Keywords: Poultry, tetracycline, resistance, hybridisation, PCR, tet 0, tet M


Citation Information

Macedonian Veterinary Review. Volume 27, Issue 1-2, Pages 7-15, p-ISSN 1409-7621, 1998