Original Scientific Article
Chemical compositton and suitability for ensiling of some intergeneric hybrids of grasses in 1st and 2nd cut
Negovanovic, D.
Djordjevic Milosevic Suzana
Trenkovska Snežana
Ružić Dragana
Dinic, B.
Stošic M.
Ostojic S.
Tomic Zorica
lgnjatovic Snežana
Received: 15 October 1998
Received in revised form: 15 October 1998
Accepted: 15 October 1998
Available Online First: 15 October 1998
Published on: 15 October 1998
Correspondence: Negovanovic, D.,
Experiment was conducted in order to evaluate chemical composition and suitability for ensi I ing of four intergeneric hybrids and Festuca arundinacea K20, in I .st and 2. nd cut. Hybrid grasses Felina (FE), Hykor (HY), Perun (PE) and Becva (BE) are bred in Plant Breeding station in Hladke Zivotice (Czech republic), and Festuca arundinacea, K - 20, is bred in Center for Forage Crops, Krusevac. Examination is carried out on two locations, on experimental fields of Institutes in Belgrade and Krusevac (50 and 200 m of altitude). Grasses are seeded in spring, fertilizing was with 300 kg/ha NPK 15: 15: l 5 and the mowing was in fu ll earing phase. Chemical analyses of 40 samples are made in laboratories of both In stitutes using Weende, Dubois (WSC), and Weisbach (buffer capacity) methods. Feeding value (NEL and PD!) is calcul ated upon coefficient of digestibility of Fojtik ( 1997) and equation from !NRA (1982). Suitability for ensiling was calculated on the bases of data of chemi cal analyses and methods of Weisbach ( 1993) - coefficient of fermentability (FC) and minimal DM for butyric free si lage (DMmin). Values of pH are calculated upon equation of Fajmanova et al ( 1997). Results of examination (Tables I. and 2.) showed that chemical composition of grasses was better in first than in the second cut (higher values of CP, NFE, NEL and lower CF). Also, sui tabi lity of green mass for ensiling was better in first cut, what is shown in almost a ll parameters. Average content of WSC was 82 g and in I .st and 2.nd cut 92 and 71 g. in kg of DM. Content of WSC, protein and the suitability for ensi ling were better in I .st cut. Differences in examined parameters between hybrids were smaller and insignificant. Highest WSC and BC values, protein content, and also, best suitability for ensiling, had Becva. Festucoid 1-Iykor had good characteristics for silage production. Festuca arundinacea, K - 20, had values of suitability for ensi ling s lightly below the average but content ofNEL,MJ was higher and crude fiber was lower than average.
Keywords: hybrid grasses, jestulolium, chemical composition, suitability for ensiling, coefficient of jermentability
Citation Information
Macedonian Veterinary Review. Volume 27, Issue 1-2, Pages 27-33, ISSN (Online) p-ISSN 1409-7621, 1998