Original Scientific Article
Contamination of animal feed with fungi and bacteria in Slovenia
Anton Vengust *

Mac Vet Rev 1998; 27 (1): 85 - 89


Received: 15 October 1998

Received in revised form: 15 October 1998

Accepted: 15 October 1998

Available Online First: 15 October 1998

Published on: 15 October 1998

Correspondence: Anton Vengust,


In the period from I 993 to I 997 the contamination of feedstuffs with salmonella, Clostridia, other pathogenic bacteria, mesophilic aerobic bacteria, moulds and yeasts was examined. Among 2442 examined samples, 8.2% of them were unsuitable because of too high contamination with fungi, 2, I% samples (out of 194 7 examined) contained too many yeasts spores and 1,8% samples (out of 1591 examined) were unsuitable because of too high contamination with mesophilic aerobic bacteria. Salmonella was found in 1,9% samples (out of 2005 examined feeds), 3, l % samples (among 351 examined) contained too high amount of Clostridia, and 5.5% samples (among 55 examined) contained other pathogenic bacteria. Among 796 samples of complete feeding stuffs for poultry inspected on mesophilic aerobic bacteria 10 (l.3%) of them had too high content of bacteria, 42 (4,8%) samples (out of 882) of feedstuffs for poultry were unsuitable because of too high contamination with fungi and 8 (I. I%) samples (out of 706) were unsuitable because of too high contamination with yeasts. In respect to microbiological status pelleted feed stuffs for poultry are of much higher hygienic quality than unpelleted feedstuffs.



Citation Information

Macedonian Veterinary Review. Volume 27, Issue 1-2, Pages 85-89, p-ISSN 1409-7621, 1998