Original Scientific Article
The effect of acute inflammation on total alkaline phosphatase activity in dogs
Zapryanova Dimitrinka *

Mac Vet Rev 2013; 36 (2): 117 - 121


Received: 30 June 2013

Received in revised form: 30 July 3013

Accepted: 30 August 2013

Available Online First: 15 October 2013

Published on: 15 October 2013

Correspondence: Zapryanova Dimitrinka, zaprianowa@abv.bg


The main purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of acute inflammation on total alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity in dogs. In this study total ALP activity was determined in dogs with experimentally induced acute inflammation in order to characterize their potential value in this condition. For that, ALP concentrations were defined in plasmas from 9 mongrel male dogs (in an experimental group) and 6 mongrel male dogs (in a control group) at the age of 2 years and body weight 12-15 kg. The inflammation was reproduced by inoculation of 2 ml turpentine oil subcutaneously in lumbar region and same quantity saline in control dogs. Blood samples were collected into heparinized tubes before inoculation, then at hours 6, 24, 48, 72 and on days 7, 14, 21. The total ALP concentrations were determined with commercial kits (Human-GmbH, Germany) on an automatic biochemical analyzer (BS-3000 P, Sinnowa, LTD Nanjing China). The statistical analysis of the data was performed using one way analysis of variance (ANOVA), Statistica v.6.1 (StatSoft Inc., 2002). Statistically significant difference was not found between the groups, as well as within them. In conclusion, we can say that the total activity of ALP was not significantly affected in dogs with experimentally induced acute inflammation.

Keywords: alkaline phosphatase activity, acute infl ammation, dogs



©2013 Zapryanova D. This is an open-access article published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

Conflict of Interest Statement

The authors declared that they have no potential conflict of interest with respect to the authorship and/or publication of this article.

Citation Information

Macedonian Veterinary Review. Volume 36, Issue 2, Pages 117-121, p-ISSN 1409-7621, e-ISSN 1857-7415, 2013