Original Scientific Article
Induction of twinning in Noemi ewes using two protocols of a recombinant human follicle stimulating hormone versus porcine pituitary-derived FSH and their subsequent impacts on maternal hormones
Moustafa Mohamed Zeitoun
Mohamed Atieh Ali
Abdulrahman Omar El-Dawas
Twinning induction of single-bearing Noemi ewes is an important avenue to maximize the economic feasibility of sheep production. Sixty Noemi ewes were used and randomly assigned to six treatment groups (n=10/group).Two sources of FSH [i.e., porcine (P) vs. human (H)] were given as a single dose or in six doses. The control 1 group was given a single dose of saline (C1), while the control 2 group was given six doses of saline (C6). Ewes in group 3 (P1) were given a single dose of p-FSH, in group 4 six doses of p-FSH (P6), in group 5 a single dose of h-FSH (H1), and in group 6 six doses of h-FSH (H6). The ewes were inserted with CIDR for 10 days with FSH given on day 8. A fertile ram was used at the onset of estrus. Blood samples were collected for hormone analyses. The time between CIDR removal and onset of estrus (63, 38 and 26 hrs. in C, P, and H, respectively) was shortened by FSH administration. FSH increased the incidence of twinning, however single dose resulted in more stillbirths and mortalities. The neonatal survival rate decreased in the P1 (40%) compared to the P6 (65%) treatments. Both sources of FSH raised progesterone and estradiol 17-β compared to the controls. Contrariwise, both h- and p-FSH reduced T4; however, h-but not p-FSH raised T3. In conclusion, using rh-FSH at six descending doses of a total 180 IU in Noemi ewes produced two viable neonates. Moreover, the exogenous FSH raised the sex hormones and T3 in the ewes.
Keywords: ewe, estrogen, FSH, progesterone, T3, twinning
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Citation Information
Macedonian Veterinary Review. Volume 43, Issue 2, Pages 111-123, e-ISSN 1857-7415, p-ISSN 1409-7621, DOI: 10.2478/macvetrev-2020-0024, 2020