Review Article
Laparoscopy-promising tool for improvement of reproductive efficiency of small ruminants
Dovenski Toni * ,
Trojacanec Plamen ,
Petkov Vladimir ,
Popovska-Percinic Florina ,
Kocoski Ljupce ,
Grizelj Juraj

Mac Vet Rev 2012; 35 (1): 5 - 11


Received: 29 March 2013

Received in revised form: 18 April 2013

Accepted: 23 May 2013

Available Online First: 15 March 2013

Published on: 15 March 2012

Correspondence: Dovenski Toni,


Assisted reproductive technologies are used to accelerate genetic gain and improve reproductive performances in farm animals, including small ruminants. This technologies include estrous synchronization, artificial insemination (AI) using fresh, frozen or sexed semen, embryo transfer (ET) using in vivo or in vitro produced embryos, and more advanced - cloning and production of transgenic animals. Diagnostic procedures, such as ultrasonography and laparoscopy, have been used as additional tools for monitoring the ovarian response to superovulatory treatment in donor animals as well as for AI and collection and transfer of embryos. The use of laparoscopy for assisted reproduction techniques in Macedonia commenced in the early 90’s, with the acquisition of a set of ,,Karl Storz” equipment. After the adoption of the required routine, our group has completed several scientific projects where laparoscopy was used for intrauterine inseminations as well as for recovery and transfer of embryos in both sheep and goats. In the following period our group endeavored into introduction of laparoscopic insemination in the routine farm practice. Ovine intrauterine/intracornual insemination by frozen-thawed semen resulted with pregnancy rates of 45% and 60%, when AI was performed out of season and during the breeding season, respectively. In goats, this percentage occasionally peaked at 85%. The aim of this article is to review the status of implementation of laparoscopy in Assisted Reproduction Technologies (ART) of small ruminants and to present our experience in this field.

Keywords: laparoscopy, reproduction, artificial insemination, embryo transfer, small ruminants


Citation Information

Macedonian Veterinary Review. Volume 35, Issue 1, Pages 5-11, p-ISSN 1409-7621, e-ISSN 1857-7415, 2013