Original Scientific Article
A comparative study on the sensitivity of Staphylococcus aureus to antibiotic drug
Korudjiski N. * ,
Galabinova T. ,
Angelov L. ,
Alexandrov K. ,
Vasilev G. ,
Georgieva P. ,
Vlahov K. ,
Sapundjiev E. ,
Subev M.

Mac Vet Rev 1998; 27 (1): 111 - 113


Received: 15 October 1998

Received in revised form: 15 October 1998

Accepted: 15 October 1998

Available Online First: 15 October 1998

Published on: 15 October 1998

Correspondence: Korudjiski N.,


Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of the antibiotics Pn, Oxi, Am, Amx, Clp, Cfl. Cft, Gm, Sm, Km, Tc, T, R, and the fluoroquinulin s E,N,C were determinated in 94 Staph. aureus strains iso lated from women with vaginitis, cows with acuatc endometritis and subclinical mastitis and goats with subclinical mastitis. The resistance to penicillin is 100% and to tetracyclin and tylosin is 60-70%. Staphylococci isolated from women are resistant to large number of antibiotics. The strains isolated from both animals and women are however highly sensitive to cephelotriaxon, gentamicin and fluoroquinulins, with MIC from 0.5 to 4~tg/ml.



Citation Information

Macedonian Veterinary Review. Volume 27, Issue 1-2, Pages 111-113, p-ISSN 1409-7621, 1998