Original Scientific Article
Use of classical and immunoenzymatic serological methods for diagnostic and control of q-fever in sheep and goats in the republic of Macedonia
Dine Mitrov * ,
Ivanco Naletoski ,
Sinisa Acevski ,
Igor Dzadzovski ,
Krste Stojanovski ,
Iskra Cvetkovic

Mac Vet Rev 2007; 30 (1): 17 - 28


Received: 15 October 2007

Received in revised form: 15 October 2007

Accepted: 15 October 2007

Available Online First: 15 October 2007

Published on: 15 March 2007

Correspondence: Dine Mitrov, mitrov@fvm.ukim.edu.mk


Aim of this paper was introduction of contemporary diagnostic methods and simultaneously Q-fever diagnosing of sheep and goats in Republic of Macedonia. For that purpose were examined with CFT and i_ELISA 2.098 sheep and goat samples. At the same time determination of disease prevalence in epizootiological sites from examined animal species as well as establishment of control measures for Q-fever in Republic of Macedonia were aimed. Furthermore, sensitivity and specificity of every method were determined trying to establish routine diagnostic method for Q-fever in Republic of Macedonia. As result of this investigation, Q-fever presence in all examined animals was confirmed. Considering the results which pinpoints wide spread of Q-fever through the territory of Republic of Macedonia it has enzootic and endemic character. Prevalence in sheep and goat was 14.06%, from 2.098 examined samples antibodies against Q-fever were detected in 295. Prevalence at epizootiological sites was from 0.0 to 39.16% at cattle, and 0.0 to 32.26% at sheep and goats. Based on this data, epizootiological map of Q-fever spread at cattle and sheep and goats was established. Indirect immunoenzymatic method (i_ELISA) showed highest sensitivity (compared to CFT 92.1%) and specificity (compared to CFT 95.8%) for diagnostics of Q-fever in our conditions. Results demonstrate i_ELISA-serum as a method for routine and screening diagnosting purposes in the control of Q-fever. Prospects of using i_ELISA-serum/milk for individual sample testing (confirmatory) and bulk serum (up to 10 samples) testing and milk (up to 100) samples (screening) are present. Because of widespread of the disease in our country, it is recommended to use eradication measures for control purposes, simultaneous use of common (ticks extermination, hygiene improvement) and specific measures (vaccination).

Keywords: Q-fever, CFT, ELISA, sheep, goat, serum, milk


Citation Information

Macedonian Veterinary Review. Volume 30, Issue 1, Pages 17-28, p-ISSN 1409-7621, 2008